Sunday, October 7, 2012

Travelling in Tanzania can be a big problem during the rainy season. This Landcruizer much as it is four wheel drive is stuck. Until the weather becomes dry there is nothing one can do.

These bunk beds were made from the donations given by the Boy Scouts from St Mark's Catholic School. The Scouts will probably never know the difference they made to their fellow orphan children in Tanzania until they come to heaven. Many thanks must go to their teacher Ina Jaskoviak who did all the guidance. Thanks indeed!

Friday, October 5, 2012

As I continue to think about the children in Tanzania and in my own diocese in particular I dream of a Village of orphans. So far I have secured 424 acres of land on which to build that village. The challenge is where on earth will I get all the money to do that?  The answer is very simple "IN GOD I TRUST'

On Monday I explained on how corporates do destroy the planet and its peoples for the sake of money. In Tanzania the pictures that you see here show just a few of the negative effects of gold mining where corporations search for more money in Third World countries at the expense of people and the environment.
 Tanzania is now the third gold mining country in Africa and all that the people get is at most more deaths. It is always acclaimed that if corporations invest in poor countries the people benefit by the trickle-down effect, only death trickles; no school, no hospital no road! That illusion must be shuttered by these horrific images of mercury spill in rivers in the second biggest lake in the world with a gigantic stocks of fish which will have to vanish in the near future accompanied by the slow death of more then 15 million people who are dependent on the lake not to count people in the Southern Sudan Republic, Northern Sudan and Egypt for as well said Egypt is the Nile!

People affected by the mercury directed in Rivers and Lake Victoria from the Ulyankhulu Gold Mine